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These are my personal logs from my home QTH mostly compiled by season.

Summer 2007 Trans-Atlantic loggings (PDF).

Fall 2007 Trans-Atlantic loggings (PDF)

Winter 2007-2008 Trans-Atlantic loggings (PDF)

November 4th of 2008. (PDF) That night was just outstanding with an open window towards Central Europe. In my short DX experience, that was the first time I had so much new stations at the same time. Of course, without the Perseus, I wouldn't have been able to collect all those IDs. All came from a 1600 KHz recording and the beauty is that many stations had their peak at the top of the hour making them easier to ID. I would like to thank everybody at  RealDX and MWDX YG who helped me identify some languages and stations. The 35° beverage was the one in service along with Perseus and the RPA-1 preamp. There was no phasing. Regular LWs were omitted in the logs. It was around 04:00 UTC.

December 2008 to mid-January 2009 Trans-Atlantic loggings now using StationList from Jürgen Bartels linked directly with the Perseus. A great tool to save some time and a lot of papers on my desk.

Mid-January to Spring solstice 2009 Trans-Atlantic loggings. Great DX moments with Arrmenia an Qatar among others. Conditions were generally good up to the first days of February. Later to that, it has been quite unstable with average catches.

Spring of 2009 Trans-Atlantic loggings except for 555, ZIZ Radio if I recall correctly. It doesn't seems to be my best Spring ever or I've been away from my shack more often in this period.

How impressive a Summer night can be?  Here is what I've heard on a single night in July of 2009.

Summer of 2009 Trans-Atlantic loggings plus a few Latin like Brazil logged for the first time here. I went back to play with my phaser and it paid off !

Fall of 2009 Trans-Atlantic loggings. The highlight was certainly 1521 CRI from Urumqi, China heard at the end of September.

Winter 2009-2010 mostly Trans-Atlantic  logs. The highlights were for me Radio Diffusion Vision Djibouti at 1539 KHz signing in with National Anthem and Russia's RTV Podmoskovye at 846 KHz about to sign in with test tones.

Spring of 2010 loggings. All I could say is thanks to the auroral conditions we had in April. If it wouldn't have been for those, I can tell you that only with TA loggings, the page would have been almost empty. This is one of the worst Spring I've been through CX wise. Therefore, you'll find many Latin American instead of the usual Trans-Atlantic logs in this report.

Fall of 2010 loggings. It has been a correct season DX wise. The highlight was certainly the Chinese station on 1098 Khz caught in late Fall at my sunset.

Winter of 2010-2011 loggings. It was a bellow average season propagation wise. The surprises if there were any, has been LP Iranian stations caught on the higher part of the band and some of LP UK stations as well.

Spring of 2011 loggings. Nothing spectacular that Spring thus resulting in a brief report. I guess that there was nothing too exciting which led in a decrease of the motivation level leaving as a result, this small amount of logs.

Summer of 2011 loggings. A bit more action in the logs than the previous season but nothing that worth mention.

Fall of 2011 loggings. A more diversified harvest this time showing that there has been at least some interesting DX sessions. Based on my previous reports, Italy 567 and Romania 1530 were newcomers.

Winter of 2011-2012 loggings. Some surprises in this report especially with Denmark 243. Also, worth mentioning Czech Republic 639 this time with good strength and low QRM + China on 1098 for a second year in a row.

Spring of 2012 loggings. Not a stellar Spring conditions wise. Only regulars and apparently, nothing more...

Summer of 2012 loggings. My first ever Argentineans on 590 & 870 and first ever Uruguayan in CW1 Radio Colonia 550, all caught during the same solar storm. Undoubtedly, this made my Summer.

Fall of 2012 loggings. With a good harvest of new Iranian stations along with some other interesting re-logs like China 1521 to name one. The highlight was certainly my first Ecuadorian in HCRC2, Radio Caravana 750, Guayaquil plus two new Ukrainians on 837 & 936.

Winter of 2012-2013 loggings. It was a long time wish that was finally fulfilled after hearing Norway on 153 and as a bonus, a Siberian longwave on 225 and India on 1071.

Spring of 2013 loggings. A mix of lower than average conditions and inactivity brought that short list of loggings which include some shortwave entries up to the 49m band.

Summer of 2013 loggings. Not much to report here except for mid-September very good conditions to the Middle-East.

Fall of 2013 loggings. Middle-East continued to deliver, notably with some new stations from Saudi Arabia, i.e 855, 882, 1071 and 1467 plus a good set of re-logs from Iran.

Winter of 2013-2014 loggings. Not much novelty to report for that season except maybe for a couple of Russia’s Vesti-FM 24/7  broadcasts on 1089, 1215 and 1413 because of the Ukraine situation. These high power transmitters were most probably used for propaganda purpose.

Spring of 2014 loggings. Besides the Vesti-FM logs, no big TA novelty to report on MW.

Summer of 2014 loggings. If it wouldn’t have been for a couple of Brazilians logs especially, it was business as usual. I even took the time to explore the lower shortwave bands of which logs were added to my listing.

Fall of 2014 loggings. Definitely, a season to forget. As the sun was already active during the previous seasons, it hasn’t stop playing yo-yo with propagation during this particular period wiping most of interesting TA-DX, with the exception maybe of Israel on 945. Furthermore, most of the storms weren’t enough strong to produce interesting auroral conditions for exotic Latin DX. Oh well, let’s have hope for the next solar minimum.

2015 St-Patrick’s day solar storm loggings. After having spent many hours listening to recordings made on both nights of March 18 and 19. Happily, my efforts were rewarded with among other regular Latins, i.e. Cuba, Colombia & Venezuela, five Ecuadorians were logged plus one new Argentinean. Please, take a look at my St-Patrick’s day solar storm audio files page for audio clips.

Since that last Mediumwave loggings’ publication, I decided not to compile anymore of them unless it worth the amount of work behind those. What I mean is that only under exceptional propagation, I might motivate myself to write more logs but as I am writing this note (November 2016), most of catches became routine due to execrable propagation undergoing since the last two years or so. New and exceptional catches however will continue to appear in the form of audio clip under the various DX Audio Files pages within this website. You also might have a look to some more loggings, FMBC, this time at my FMDX pages.

Winter 2018-2019 logs. Not the best season we had but anyway, I’m back and here are my top choices.

March 2020 on the 20th , there has been this interesting opening towards the Middle-East with a couple of Saudi Arabia first.

October 2021: Despite the high solar activity, there has been this interesting Trans-Atlantic opening on the 9th and 10th

November 7th 2021: This time, with auroral conditions prevailing, here’s some interesting logs from Latin America.

January 19th 2023. More interesting Latin logs as southerly conditions were somewhat, favourable. Many stations were relogs but I still have added a new Ecuadorian log in Radio Monumental 1510 and a new Colombian in La Voz de Armenia on 1040.

1st quarter of 2023 Latin logs, which also includes January 19th previous logs.

Latin American report from March 23 2024. NEW.

Page updated in August 2024