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Many of the following MP3 files are labelled with station details, UTC time and date of recording. Please make sure that your player is set to show this information.  Also note that several stations listed bellow may have left the air since (sadly, quite a few of those are from Venezuela).

ARGENTINA, LS9 Radio Continental at 590 KHz from Buenos Aires with a quite descent signal caught in July 2012 during a solar storm. ID at 1:03 “...Está escuchando Radio Continental AM 590 en todo el país”. This was my first ever Argentinean.

ARGENTINA, LRL203, Radio AM 750 (KHz). End of the program Relatores with various mentions of AM 750 - I had a nice grip that time with pips, ID and announcement of the program Panorama, followed by the current temperature in Buenos Aires (11/2023).

BAHAMAS, ZNS1 National Voice 1540 Khz, Nassau. From the 2023/03/24 solar storm. Strong and with full ID.

BOLIVIA, shortwave Radio Santa Cruz on 6135 KHz with a full ID.

BONAIRE (Caribbean Netherlands), Trans World Radio relay on 800 KHz with full ID in Spanish Radio Trans Mundial (Dec 2014). This is a frequent guest when auroral conditions prevail - Here’s now a clip from Nov 2021. Since the revamping of the site, I have the impression that I don’t hear them as often as I used to hear them before. A change in their radiation pattern perhaps ? - Finally, another good grip here on 23/03/01.

BRAZIL, 4915 KHz, Rádio Difusora de Macapá, Macapá. One of the longest ID I ever heard! In S-AM (R75) with my T2FD antenna.

BRAZIL, Rádio Globo ZYK694 at 1100 KHz from São Paulo. I had to work with the phaser first to wipe out WTAM, Cleveland OH. Then, Radio Globo just came out of nowhere with a soccer play by play. Mentions of "Globo" where heard at sec.5 and sec.42 including the score 1-0 in favor of São Paulo. Thanks to Neil Kazaros and Chuck Hutton for their help. My first ever MW Brazilian -

Here’s a better shot from July 19th 2011 again after phasing out WTAM and enjoying better conditions along with a full ID! Distance is 8200 Km.

BRAZIL, Rádio Globo ZYJ458 on 1220 KHz from Rio de Janeiro with a couple of "Globo" Ids - Here's another very nice reception and furthermore, this one - This station is the easiest Brazilian to catch here. Listen to this other example - This can go endlessly. Here’s more from Aug 2017.

BRAZIL, Rádio Record ZYK522 at 1000 KHz from São Paulo with great signal and Rádio Record ID at sec.34.

BRAZIL, ZYI533 Rádio CBN, Belem at 900 KHz with soccer play-by-play and various CBN Ids. According to Rocco Cotroneo, this is from the Recife feed. Thanks Rocco for ID!

BRAZIL, ZYK695 Rádio CBN, São Paulo at 780 KHz. Same soccer game as the above. Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo for ID.

BRAZIL, ZYJ459 Rádio CBN 860 KHz , Rio de Janeiro with soccer play-by-play. Parallel to their web stream.

BRAZIL, ZYJ453 Super Rádio Brasil, Rio de Janeiro at 940 KHz with men in Brazilian. Parallel to their web stream.

BRAZIL, ZYH707 Rádio Nacional, Brasília at 980 KHz with more soccer - Now with a phone-in program on another rare appearance. During the Summer of 2014, I also had a great reception of the station at one time with full ID along their frequencies lineup, as a bonus.

BRAZIL, According to Rocco, the following at 1150 KHz is most likely to be ZYK656 Rádio Tupi, São Paulo with soccer talk again.

BRAZIL, on 1200 Khz most likely according to Rocco ZYH585 Rádio Ceará Clube, Fortaleza with Brazil-Argentina soccer game.

BRAZIL, ZYH586 Rádio Iracema, Fortaleza at 1300 KHz with religious talk in Portuguese in turn with Spanish. Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo, Chuck Hutton and Jean Burnell at RealDX for help.

BRAZIL, ZYJ455 Rádio Tupi in Rio de Janeiro on 1280 KHz. A Summer catch using the phaser to null out Montreal’s CFMB. Thanks again to Rocco Cotroneo for ID.

BRAZIL, ZYH587 Rádio Shalom from Fortaleza on 690 KHz with a very nice ID.

BRAZIL, ZYH588, Rádio Uirapurú from Fortaleza on 760 KHz with the ID at 1:17. Thanks Rocco Cotroneo for confirming my assumption.

BRAZIL, ZYH449 Radio Cultura de Bahía from Salvador on 1140 KHz most likely, Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo and Jim Renfrew at RealDX for their help.

COLOMBIA, HJAQ RCN Cartagena at 1000 KHz announcing the program Nocturna de RCN - Here’s another good cut heard on March 2023 - There again, this time with fútbol from 03/2024.

COLOMBIA, HJAJ RCN  Baranquilla at 760 KHz at armchair copy. A steady Colombian here.

COLOMBIA, HJES RCN Cali at 980 KHz with references at Cali and comments about corridas and toros (bullfights).

COLOMBIA, HJKH RCN Antenna 2, Bogotá at 650 KHz with full ID.

COLOMBIA, HJNW Caracol, Cartagena at 1170 KHz with great ID.

COLOMBIA, HJCZ  Radio Recuerdos at 690 KHz from Bogotá with a nice ID.

COLOMBIA, HJAT Caracol Radio at 1100 KHz, Baranquilla. Note how strong the signal was. Cleveland's WTAM was literally blown away! - A more recent cut here, from March 2023 - Now with fútbol play-by-play from 03/2024.

COLOMBIA, HJHF Radio Nacional de Colombia on 550 KHz.

COLOMBIA, HJAH Emisora Atlántico, Baranquilla on 1070 KHz with a fair strength ID.

COLOMBIA, HJBJ RCN, Santa María on 640 KHz with Colombian ads.

COLOMBIA, HJCI Radio Súper on 970 KHz from Bogotá with ID.

COLOMBIA, HJCV Radio Cordillera on 1190 KHz from Bogotá with complete ID.

COLOMBIA, HJCG Radio Santa Fé on 1070 KHz from Bogotá with full ID (12/2023).

COLOMBIA, HJAN Emisoras Unidas on 720 KHz from Baranquilla with ID during beísbol play-by-play.

COLOMBIA, HJKA Radio Auténtica Bogotá on 540 Khz, there with full ID (Oct 2019).

COLOMBIA, HJCY Caracol Radio, Bogotá on 810 KHz plus ID (Oct 2019).

COLOMBIA, HJFV Radio Viva Pasto on 780 KHz. Sung ID “… Radio Viva” right at the start followed by an Andean Pasillo.

COLOMBIA, HJND, Radio Nacional de Colombia from Bogotá, on 570 KHz with a solid ID.

COLOMBIA, HJZO, Radio Nacional de Colombia on 680 KHz from Baranquilla. Not so common here (05/2024).

COLOMBIA, HCJX W Radio on 700 KHz from Cali. There, mixing with a strong WLW (2023/02/27).

COLOMBIA, HCMY RCN Radio San Andrés on 910 KHz. A nice surprise here and learning along the way about this island, politically part of Colombia and located off the coast of Panama (23/03/01) - There again, this time with a sung promo for the program Nocturna de RCN (Oct 2024). NEW.

COLOMBIA, HJAI Radio Tropical on 1040 KHz from Baranquilla. Promo for newspaper La Libertad followed by a Radio Tropical sung ID.

COLOMBIA, HJAY on 870 KHz from Baranquilla with full ID:  La Nueva 870 AM, la radio de la familia. Listed at 1Kw (12/2023).

COLOMBIA, HJCJ on 1040 KHz. At sec 7 of the clip, ID Colmundo Radio Bogotá.

COLOMBIA, HJOP on 1010 KHz from Baranquilla. ID at 48 sec “… HJOP, somos la Radio Mundial Adventista” (05/2024).

COLOMBIA, HJPM on 890 KHz from Santa Marta. ID “…en Caracol radio”. Mixing here with Cuba (03/2024).

COLOMBIA, HJAR on 1270 KHz from Cartagena. ID “… La Cariñosa, la de la música buena … bueníssima”. First time heard if I’m not mistaking (03/2024).

COLOMBIA, HJFV Radio Viva on 780 KHz. Pasto. Sung ID Radio Viva (Aug 2024). NEW.

COLOMBIA, HJDN La Voz de la Nostalgia 1530 KHz. Medellín ...con La Voz de la Nostalgia, 1530 AM (Sept 2024). NEW.

CUBA, CMKB Radio Progreso, Cacocum at  900 KHz with full ID, anthem and announcement of daily program Nocturno. Huge signal just like a local! - Now here it is again coming in huge! - On February 2023, another excellent cut.

CUBA, CMBQ 530 KHz, Radio Enciclopedia from La Havana with a nice ID - Although it is a regular at my place when auroral conditions prevail, here another interesting shot from Feb 2023 - More from Radio Enciclopedia, this time from March 2024. NEW.

CUBA, CMHA 910 KHz Radio Cadena Agramonte in Camagüay when signing off.

CUBA, CMIP 1140 KHz Radio Surco. Sounds a bit different to my ears than other Cubans.

CUBA, CMBC 690 KHz Radio Progreso, a quite common mood in Cuban radio.

CUBA, CMAP 990 KHz Radio Guamá over semi-local Montreal's CKGM.

CUBA, Radio Progreso from unknown location at 640 KHz.  

CUBA, Radio Reloj offset from 860 Khz (861), unknown location.

CUBA, CMKO 740 KHz, Radio Ángulo with a nice ID.

CUBA, CMAM 1020 Khz, Radio Artemisa with full ID.

CUBA, Unknown location Radio Reloj at 950 KHz with good strength.

CUBA, CMKB Radio Rebelde on 770 KHz beating semi-local WABC - Next, network ID and National Anthem mixing with WABC (09/2023).

CUBA, CMGW Radio 26 on 1060 KHz, there with full ID (Nov 2021).

CUBA, CMNQ Radio Bayamo on 1150 KHz with a nice ID given (Feb 2023).

CUBA, CMBU Radio Ciudad on 820 KHz with ID (and distorted sound). Heard on Feb 2023.

CUBA, CMKC Radio Revolución on 840 KHz. ID …CMKC Radio Revolución, cadena provincial. Heard on March 1st 2023.

CUBA, CMKS Radio Trinchera on 1020 KHz. ID … entre usted y nosotros, no hay distancia, Radio Trinchera.

CUBA, CMDZ Radio Progreso on 890 KHz. Huge! (03/2024).

CUBA, Radio Rebelde on 710 KHz. Unknown location. Fair with full ID + anthem.

CUBA, CMNL Radio Bayamo on 1620 KHz. Bayamo. Coming in quite fair, and with full ID: Transmite CMKX. Radio Bayamo (Aug 2024). NEW.

CUBA, Radio Reloj. Nueva Gerona on 850 KHz. Rather unusual to me on that frequency and surprisingly good. Radio Reloj, cinco veinte cinco minutos. Listed at 1Kw (Aug 2024). NEW.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HIVP Radio Olímpica at 970 KHz. Thanks to Jan Alvestad at RealDX for helping ID.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Here with the announcement of the program Clasicos del Merengue. Tnx to my friends at RealDX for help (Oct 2019) - Emisora HIJB on 830 KHz with a nice ID between songs (April 2023).

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, (probable) Radio ABC on 540 KHz with a fund raising religious program announcing a phone number containing area code 809, which is actually from the Republican Republic (offset at -7 Hz  10/2019) - This time, a clear ID at sec 17 “… está es Radio ABC” (09/2023).

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HIDB Radio Jesús on 750 KHz from Santiago de los Caballeros with sung ID (03/2024).

ECUADOR, HCRC2 - Radio Caravana in Guayaquil at 750 KHz. I have been waiting for a long time to add this country to my total. During a solar disturbance in October of 2012, I had my first taste of Ecuador on MW. Radio Caravana is apparently a Sports station and the following was a promo of the next game between Ecuador and Venezuela. That was part of the qualification tournament for the FIFA 2014 World Cup where Ecuador was doing very well. Now listen to the same promo recorded from their webstream - Here’s another clip with mention of Caravana at sec 4 and “ hora en Caravana” at sec 21. Thanks to Alessandro Gropazzi at RealDX for backing my thoughts - *February 2015: At first sight, it wasn’t a great night for Latin DX but fortunately, I came across 750 by chance while DXing live and again, I could hear R.Caravana at an interesting level and alone on the frequency - Here minutes later, it popped up through WSB  and Cuba. It was interesting to observe after reviewing the half hour file that there was no trace of Venezuela at all, which was the most commonly heard LA station on this channel here at that time.

ECUADOR, HCNY2 - Radio Cristal from Guayaquil at 870 KHz. A very nice surprise from late December 2014 where solar disturbance allowed many Colombians to check-in along with this lone Ecuadorian while taking advantage of a Radio Reloj weakness - Here it is again from May 2024 playing a nice Ecuadorian pasillo.

ECUADOR, HCRS2 - Radio Sucre Guayaquil on 700 KHz giving full ID during fútbol in Oct 2019 and all alone on the channel - Here again, this time from Aug 2024 Faltan tres minutos para las cuatro de la mañana, en las noticias, aquí en Radio Sucre. NEW.

ECUADOR, HC0034 - Radio Monumental on 1510 KHz. This station IDs a lot. Here’s a cut from March 2023 with a pair of Monumental slogans - Now, another cut heard about a month later featuring a nice Vals followed by the slogan Monumental - Now, this cut from 03/2024 with Música Nacional and the ID at sec 28 “…Monumental, si sabe de música” - More Monumental here, good and alone on the channel (Oct 2024). NEW.

ECUADOR, HCRM2 Radio Huancavilca from Guayaquil on 830 KHz. Web address given at sec 10 “…en” (05/2024).

ECUADOR, HCFD4 Radio Visión Manta 650 KHz. Manta. Radio Visión 6-50 AM...?...con los éxcitos musicales de ayer, hoy y siempre. Clip in two parts, first, caught at 06:37 and second, at 08:33 with ID Radio Visión Manta (Aug 2024). NEW.

GUADELOUPE, Radio Guadeloupe, Pointe-à-Pitre at 640 KHz. Zouk music with man in a French Caribbean accent.

HAÏTI, Radio 4VEH, Cap Haïtien at 840 KHz. Religious talk in Creole. Now listen to this ID in French recorded nearly 6 years later - There from Feb 2023 showing good strength.

MEXICO, XEAVR 720 KHz Radio Fórmula in Veracrúz. With ID in the website address.

MEXICO, XEVX 570 KHz "La Grande de Tabasco". One of my favourite.

MEXICO, XEQ 940 KHZ, Mexico City with full ID - Listen to Besame also here - Now playing the National Anthem and giving the full ID (12-21-2015  6:03) - Here, now re-branded La Q (Oct 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEOY 1000 KHz, Mexico City.

MEXICO, XECPAE Radio Educación on 1060 KHz from Mexico City with full ID (Oct 2024). UPDATED.

MEXICO, XECAQ Radio Fórmula (Quintana Roo) on 740 KHz. Most likely from Puerto Morelos because of the power of XECPR, both located in the Yucatán region. Here with multiple program and station IDs. Thanks to Mark Connelly and Vince Cavaseno for the tip. It wasn't easy to spot but with patience, I found this nice segment (Oct 2024). UPDATED.

MEXICO, XEKV 740 Khz, EXA-FM in Villanueva near the Guatemalan border, a nice surprise at our sunrise.

MEXICO, XEFCR Focus Radio on 1670 KHz. ID at sec 4 …en Focus Radio, tenemos una programación muy especial para ti. From Reynosa near the US border. A first appearance here (2023/03).

MEXICO, XEUR Buenísima on 1530 KHz from México. ID at sec 7 …Buenísima 1530 AM. Another first appearance (2023/03).

MEXICO, XEWA Los 40 on 540 KHz from San Luis Potosí, with various Los Cuarenta mentions. From Feb 2023.

MEXICO, XEX W Deportes on 730 KHz from México. Beneath a strong CKAC. ID at sec 6 … atraves de Doble U Deportes en la república Mexicana (2023/03) - Here it is again beneath semi-local CKAC (Nov 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XECTL Radio Chetumal on 860 KHz from Chetumal. ID at sec 6 “… Radio Chetumal, sembrando emociones positivas”. Crushing CJBC (03/2024).

MEXICO, XEITE Radio Omega on 830 KHz from México. ID “... somos XEITE 8-30 AM Radio Omega, con 25 mil watts de potencia" (03/2024).

MEXICO, XEDTL Tropicalísima on 660 KHz from México D.F. ...Tropicalísima ID at sec 19 (Sept 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEN El Fonógrafo. México D.F on 690 KHz. ...en El Fonógrafo, música ligada a tu recuerdo Mixing with semi-local CKGM (Sept 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEPH Sabrosita 590 y 1410. México D.F, on 590 Khz (Sept 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEABC, Radio Cañón on 760 KHz. San Sebastián Chimalpa. They don't ID that much. Thus, I was lucky to hear a peak with this ID. NEW.

MEXICO, XECPR, Radio Chan Santa Cruz on 660 KHz. Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Here with a nice signa, well over WFAN and a complete ID, first in apparent Maya, then in Spanish language (Oct 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEB La B Grande on 1220 KHz.  Mexico City. Esa es la B (Aug 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XEQR Radio Centro 1030, Mexico City. 1030 Khz. Radio Centro 10-30 (Oct 2024). NEW.

MEXICO, XERFR Fórmula 970, Mexico City on 970 Khz (Oct 2024). NEW.

PARAGUAY, ZP9 Universo 970 on 970 Khz from Asunción. ID at sec 44 with jingle and a “... Universo 9-70, todas las caras de la realidad". A good peak and a NEW COUNTRY! (03/2024). See here on the Jaguar waterfall how its signal peaked at the right moment, revealing the full ID. Listed at 5kw!

PERU, OCU1Z, Radio Visión on 1090 KHz from Tumbes, near the Ecuadorian border.  My first ever officially logged from Peru. At sec 13 mixing with WBAL …atención a todos los oyentes de la cadena Radio Visión, diez noventa amplitud modulada en Tumbes. Listed at 2 Kw!.

PUERTO RICO, WKAQ 580 KHz, 580 AM Noticias in San Juan - Again here in Oct 2019.

PUERTO RICO, WIPR 940 KHz, La Máxima in San Juan about the 2012 referendum to modify Puerto Rican political status.

PUERTO RICO, WAPA 680 KHz, La Poderosa from San Juan, with full ID (Oct 2019).

PUERTO RICO, WUNO 630 KHz, Notiuno from San Juan. Listed at 5 Kw (Oct 2019) - There, in Feb 2023 with an extended ID which includes a listing of frequencies plus a nice sung ID.

PUERTO RICO, WEGA Candelita on 1350 KHz from Vega Baja. Very likely based on the phone number’s area code 787 given.

PUERTO RICO, WMIA on 1070 KHz, Borinquen Radio from Arecibo. Sung ID "... Borinquen Radio ... La Poderosa" (03/2024).

PUERTO RICO, WMTI on 1160 KHz, Borinquen Radio from Barceloneta. Sung ID "... Borinquen Radio ... La Poderosa" (03/2024).

PUERTO RICO, WBYM on 1560 KHz, Pura Palabra Radio from Bayamon. "Pura Palabra" sung ID right at the beginning (03/2024).

PUERTO RICO, WEGA Candelita 7 on 1350 KHz from Vieja Baja. Candelita TV promos and rellgious ads (03/2024).

ST-KITTS AND NEVIS, ZIZ Radio at odd frequency 555 KHz. Caribbean music then edited to hear man voice in English talking about 25th anniversary of their independence. They got independent from the UK in 1983.

ST-KITTS AND NEVIS, Voice of Nevis on 860 KHz with amusing sung local ads.

URUGUAY, CW1 Radio Colonia, Colonia del Sacramento on 550 KHz. The accent brought my attention as it really look like the “Cono Sur “ region pronunciation. After filling their contact form and providing an audio file link, I received a week later the e -verification confirming that I’ve heard indeed CW1. That was a nice feeling for sure…

US VIRGIN ISLANDS, WDHP The Reef on 1620 Khz, dominating Cuba here. Nice ID …Q103 The Reef.

US VIRGIN ISLANDS, WSTX on 970 KHz. Talk about elections in the Virgin Islands (03/2024).

VENEZUELA, YVKS  RCR Caracas at 750 KHz. One of Venezuela’s regular.

VENEZUELA, YVMN  Radio Coro, Coro at 780 KHz with another nice Christmas ID.

VENEZUELA, YVQT Radio Carúpano at 1110 KHz. Good signal for a 10 Kw. ID at sec.27.

VENEZUELA, YVKE Radio Mundial at 550 KHz with great ID - Again here in Oct 2019 and pro-government. This station is one of the few AM remaining in Venezuela - Another cut here from Jan 2023. ID at sec 3 … la fiesta no para en YVKE Mundial (Jan 2023) - There again, from March 2024 and in the clear.

VENEZUELA, YVNN Radio Punto Fijo at 940 KHz with a nice ID.

VENEZUELA, YVOD Ecos del Torbes at 780 KHz from San Cristóbal with full ID.

VENEZUELA, YVMD Radio Venezuela Mara Ritmo from Maracaibo at 900 KHz.

VENEZUELA, YVQE Radio Venezuela Oriente on 720 KHz with complete ID.

VENEZUELA, YVXM Radio Minuto from Barquisimeto on 790 Khz. A much better clip can be found at my 2015 St-Patrick’s day solar storm audio files page.

VENEZUELA, YVMH Radio Popular from Maracaibo at 700 KHz with the announcement Radio Popular that I couldn’t figure out. Thanks to Chuck Hutton at RealDX for helping.

VENEZUELA, YVLF Radio Puerto Cabello on 1290 KHz sneaking in with ID.

VENEZUELA, YVLL Radio Rumbos at 670 KHz from Caracas. Clear IDs in there (Feb 2023) - Another cut here from March 2024, again with IDs.

VENEZUELA, YVLT Radio Sensación at 830 KHz from Caracas. ID …en Radio Sensación, son las nueve en punto (Feb 2023).

VENEZUELA, YVRQ RQ 910 AM from Caracas. ID at sec 15 …por RQ 910 AM, La Vallenata (Feb 2023).

VENEZUELA, YVRT Radio Tropical on 990 KHz from Caracas "...Radio Tropical, 99-0, la Radio Retro" (03/2024).



This is how the K index looked around mid-December of 2006. It really peaked on the 15 as shown on this NOAA graph. For two weeks, all three colours were always

mixed: Red, yellow and green resulting in a quite steady

aurora. Thus many domestic stations were blanked

allowing various LA station to show up. At some

frequencies,  pile-ups of LA stations were also noticed.

Imagine at that time with a Perseus capturing a 1600 KHz

chunk. It certainly would have resulted into many hours of

listening in order to digest it all. Since I'm in medium wave Dxing, this is the strongest aurora I could experience.

At my latitude, it is generally easier to DX Europe and the Middle East than Latin America. Most of LA medium wave stations listed bellow have been heard during similar geo-magnetic disturbances.

Page updated in February 2025