Date and time are GMT and frequencies in KHz

Logged at           Freq  Info                                                          Comment
2011-02-27   06:27  162   F   France Inter,  Allouis                                    Man in French, excellent.                                           
2011-03-07   05:45  162   F   France Inter,  Allouis                                    "...France Inter" ID, Good.                                         
2011-01-15   01:16  183   D   Europe 1,  Felsberg (Saarlouis)                           Woman in French with weather, excellent.                            
2011-01-23   00:00  189   ISL Rikisútvarpid Rás 1,  Gufuskálar                        	Man in Icelandic, fair.                                             
2011-01-15   06:14  216   F   Radio Monte Carlo,  Roumoules                             Man in French, excellent.                                           
2011-01-15   06:15  270   CZE Ceský rozhlas 1, Topolná                                 	Woman in Czech, poor to fair.                                       
2011-01-22   01:26  530   CUB CMBQ, R.Enciclopedia, La Habana                        	Cuban "Classical" music, fair then short comment in Spanish.        
2011-02-18   04:38  530   CUB CMBQ, R.Enciclopedia, La Habana                        	Woman in Spanish then soft instrumental music, good.       
2011-02-03   01:09  531   ALG Alger Chaîne 1, El Ain Beida                             	Man in Arabic, fair and // to 549.                                  
2011-02-01   01:12  549   ALG Alger Chaîne 1, Les Trembles                             	Man in Arabic, strong and // to 531.                                
2011-02-03   01:09  549   ALG Alger Chaîne 1, Les Trembles                             	Man in Arabic, strong and // to 531.                                
2011-03-10   01:27  549   D   Deutschlandfunk,  Nordkirchen/Thurnau                     Classical music, poor to fair & // to 756.                         
2011-02-05   06:00  555   SCN ZIZ Radio, Basseterre                                    	"...BBC World Service", good.                                       
2011-03-20   04:22  555   SCN ZIZ Radio, Basseterre                                  	Man in English over Caribbean-W Indies music, up to good level.        
2011-02-20   05:49  560   CUB CMBA R.Rebelde,  Moa                                     	Cuban music (not really Salsa), fair and // to 5025.                
2011-02-20   05:56  600   CUB CMKV R.Rebelde,  Urbano Noris                             Salsa music, up to good level & // to 5025.                         
2011-01-22   21:38  603   F   France Info,  Tramoyes (Lyon)                             Man in French, fair.                                                
2011-03-10   02:14  603   F   France Info,  Tramoyes (Lyon)                             Man in French, fair.                                                
2011-01-11   22:02  612   BHR Radio Bahrain,  Bahrain                                   (tent) Apparently National Anthem, fair.        
2011-02-03   01:11  648   E   Radio Nacional,  Granja Escuela (Badajoz)                 Woman in Spanish, fair to good.                                     
2011-02-20   05:58  670   CUB CMBA R.Rebelde,  Arroyo Arenas                            Cuban music, fair and // to 5025.                                   
2011-01-11   20:05  675   HOL Radio Maria,  Lopik                                       Prayer in Dutch (probably) then religious chorus, fair.               
2011-01-17   22:35  675   HOL Radio Maria,  Lopik                                       Religious music, good.                                              
2011-03-09   02:16  675   HOL Radio Maria,  Lopik                                       Soft (religious) music, fair.                                       
2011-03-12   04:51  690   CUB CMBC Radio Progresso, Jovellanos                         	"Radio Progresso Cadena Nacional..." Excellent.                     
2011-01-22   21:40  693   D   Voice of Russia,  Hennigsdorf                             Man in Russian, fair.                                               
2011-02-20   22:15  711   F   France Info,  Rennes-Thourie                              "...23 heures 15 France Info", fair to good.
2011-02-04   03:05  729   GRC ERA 1, Athen						Man in Greek, fair in a rare QRM break from CKAC. Tx Vlad T. for ID.
2011-01-22   22:01  765	  ARS General Arabic Program, various	                        Man in Arabic, between poor & fair. Offset +.0003.Tx Mauno & Vlad T.
2011-03-13   04:42  780   VEN YVMN R.Coro,  Coro                                        "...Radio Coro, siempre en primer lugar" good.                      
2011-03-12   04:54  790   CUB CMAQ R.Reloj,  Piñar del Río                              News in Spanish with tones and ticks, fair.                          
2011-03-13   05:31  790   CUB CMAQ R.Reloj,  Piñar del Río                              News in Spanish mixed w ticks, fair to good.                         
2011-02-03   01:12  864   F   France Bleu,  Paris - Villebon-sur-Yvette                 Song in French by Jacques Dutronc, good.                            
2011-02-05   03:59  870   CUB CMDT R.Reloj,  Sancti Spíritus                            "tick-tick..." with talk in Spanish, poor mixed w unid domestic.        
2011-02-03   02:09  873   D   AFN Power Network,  Oberursel-Weißkirchen                 Man in American English, fair.                                      
2011-02-20   22:04  873   D   AFN Power Network,  Oberursel-Weißkirchen                 Newscast in US English, fair.                                       
2011-02-05   04:00  910   CUB CMHA Radio Cadena Agramonte, Camagüay                   	"...Radio Cadena Agramonte" Strong.                                 
2011-02-27   03:32  945   F   France Info,  Toulouse-Muret                              News in French, fair.                                               
2011-02-05   04:02  950   CUB R.Reloj, Various                                       	"...tick, tick..." with woman in Spanish, fair.        
2011-02-05   04:30  950   CUB R.Reloj, Various                                       	Man and woman in Spanish about Cuba (with ticks), strong.            
2011-03-13   05:35  950   CUB R.Reloj, Various                                       	Ticks audible, poor.                                                 
2011-02-04   03:04  954   CZE Ceský rozhlas 6, various                              	"Cezky Rohzlas" ID, fair to good.                                   
2011-01-16   22:06  963   FIN CRI, Pori                                           	Man and woman in German, "CRI Kontakt", good.                       
2011-02-04   03:06  963   FIN CRI, Pori                                             	Woman in Russian, good.                                             
2011-02-25   01:43  963   E   Radio Euskadi,  Biribilondo                               Man and woman in Spanish, fair.                                     
2011-01-17   22:47  972   LBY Radio Jamahiriyah,  Sirt                                  Mahgreb Arabic music with short comments in Arabic, up to good level.        
2011-01-22   21:22  972   LBY Radio Jamahiriyah,  Sirt                                  R.Sawa style music (Arabic disco), good // to 1449.                 
2011-02-19   22:06  972   LBY Radio Jamahiriyah,  Sirt                                  Arabic music, good. Strong Libyan tonight.                          
2011-02-25   02:06  972   LBY Radio Jamahiriyah,  Sirt                                 	Arabic music, fair.                       
2011-03-03   01:28  972   LBY Radio Jamarihiyah,  Sirt                                  Arabic music, fair & // to Salvo's Perseus svr in Sicily.           
2011-01-09   21:55  999   MDA Voice of Russia, Maiac 					Men in Russian, excellent.
2011-01-22   21:59  999   MDA Voice of Russia, Maiac					Full version of "Gollos Rossii" sung ID, good.                                          
2011-02-19   22:10  1026  E   SER Radio, various                         		"Fútbol" on at least two tx with delays, fair.                      
2011-01-17   21:38  1035  POR Rádio Club,  Belmonte                   			Ads in Portuguese, good.                                            
2011-02-03   01:14  1035  POR Rádio Club,  Belmonte                   			Oldies in English, fair.                                            
2011-01-31   04:54  1062  DNK DR P5,  Kalundborg                                        Man in Danish followed by an English song, good.              
2011-01-16   21:54  1088  AGL Radio Nacional de Angola,  Mulenvos                       Carrier visible and producing het on 1089.                          
2011-01-17   21:17  1089  RUS Yevangelskiye Chteniya, Tbilisskaya  			Man in Russian, fair.
2010-12-26   21:58  1116  IRN IRIB 1, Bandar lengeh                                    	Man in Farsi, poor to fair. B.Conti heard the same tx that night.        
2011-01-22   21:48  1125  BEL RTBF Vivacité,  Houdeng                                   Man in French about sports, fair (offset).                                   
2011-02-10   21:40  1125  BEL RTBF Vivacité,  Houdeng                                   Man in French, fair to good (offset).                               
2011-02-15   00:04  1125  E   Radio Nacional 5,  various                                Women in Spanish, fair.
2011-01-17   23:57  1125  LBY Radio Jamarihiyah, Al Bayda                               Arabic music (with some African roots) then Arabic talk, fair to good.              
2011-02-20   21:40  1125  BEL RTBF Vivacité,  Houdeng                                   Men in French, good (offset).                                       
2011-01-22   21:22  1134  HRV Glas Hrvatske,  Rasinovac                                 Men in Slavic language, good.                                       
2011-02-04   02:39  1134  KWT Main Arabic Programme,  Sulaibiyah                        (probable) Koranic chant, fair (also heard the night before).             
2011-02-08   02:55  1134  KWT Main Arabic Programme,  Sulaibiyah                        (prob) Man and woman in Arabic, poor (heard lately).                                                
2011-02-10   21:57  1134  HRV Glas Hrvatske,  Rasinovac                                 Man in a Slavic language, excellent.                                
2011-03-02   02:50  1134  KWT Main Arabic Programme,  Sulaibiyah                        (probable) Koranic chant, fair.                                     
2011-02-04   03:01  1143  KAL Radio Mayak, Bolshakovo  					Woman in Russian, fair peak.                                        
2011-02-04   03:03  1143  KAL Radio Mayak, Bolshakovo                                 	Woman in Russian, fair.                                             
2011-01-22   21:24  1152  ROU Radio România Actualitati,  Cluj                          Woman in Romanian (theater radio), fair.                            
2011-02-04   03:03  1152  ROU Radio România Actualitati,  Cluj                          Man in Romanian, good and // to 1179.                               
2011-02-20   21:59  1152  ROU Radio România Actualitati,  Cluj                          "Radio România Actualitati" ID, fair.                               
2011-02-04   03:05  1161  IRN VOIRI,  Abadan                                            (prob) Koranic chanting, poor. Nice opening towards Iran tonight.           
2011-01-27   22:02  1170  UAE Radio Sawa,  Al-Dhabbaya                                  "Radio Sawa" ID, fair.                                              
2011-01-16   22:00  1179  ROU România Actualitati,  various                             Man with news in Romanian, poor.                                    
2011-01-17   21:36  1179  E   SER Various                                               Man in Spanish, fair.                                               
2011-01-22   20:50  1179  ROU România Actualitati,  various                             Man in Romanian, fair.                                              
2011-01-22   22:24  1179  ROU România Actualitati,  various                             Woman in Romanian (radio theater), fair & // to 1152.               
2011-01-31   22:08  1179  ROU România Actualitati,  various                             Men in Romanian, good.                                              
2011-01-12   21:23  1215  G   Absolute Radio,  various                            	"...This is Absolute Radio", fair to good (regular here).                          
2011-01-16   21:59  1215  KAL Voice of Russia, Bolshakovo            			VoR interval signal, fair over UK.                                  
2011-03-01   04:03  1224  E   COPE, various            					Man and woman in Spanish, up to fair level.                         
2011-01-13   21:40  1251  LBY Voice of Africa,  Tripoli                                 (probable) Man in Arabic, good.                                     
2011-02-19   22:13  1251  LBY Voice of Africa,  Tripoli                                 Afro-Arabic music, good.                                            
2011-02-04   02:57  1278  IRN IRIB 1,  Kermanshah                                       Man in Farsi, popping up briefly to fair level.                     
2011-02-10   21:42  1287  E   SER Radio, various                                     	Phone-in interview in Spanish, fair.                                
2011-03-18   03:37  1287  E   SER Radio, various                          		Man and woman in Spanish, fair.                                     
2011-02-04   03:03  1296  G   Radio XL 1296 AM,  Langley Mill                           "...Radio XL" ID with ads in English, poor.                         
2011-02-04   03:03  1305  IRN IRIB,  Bushehr                                            Soft music, poor and offset (around 1305.080).                      
2011-01-16   22:02  1314  UAE Radio Farda, Al Dhabbaya                                 	(probable) Modern Arabic music, poor to fair.                       
2011-01-17   21:33  1314  UAE Radio Farda, Al Dhabbaya                                  "...Radio Farda" ID, poor to fair.                                  
2011-01-08   06:23  1323  D   Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn  				Woman in English, good.                                             
2011-01-09   21:47  1323  D   Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn  				Man in French about Russia vs Europe and France, fair to good.       
2011-02-10   21:57  1323  D   Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn  				Woman in Russian, fair.                                             
2011-02-04   02:58  1332  IRN Radio Tehran,  Tehran                                     Koranic chant, poor.                                                
2011-02-04   03:00  1341  G   BBC Radio Ulster,  Lisnagarvey                            "This is BBC Radio Five Live", fair.                                
2011-02-20   22:13  1341  G   BBC Radio Ulster,  Lisnagarvey                            Men in English followed by Jazz music, fair.                        
2011-02-12   22:49  1377  F   France Info,  Lille-Camphin en Carembault                 Man in French, good (very regular here).                            
2011-01-27   19:46  1395  ALB Trans World Radio,  Fllakë                   		Man in a Slavic language, up to fair (offset)                       
2011-02-24   21:14  1395  ALB Trans World Radio,  Fllakë                   		Man in a Slavic language, good (1394.850)                           
2011-01-08   20:06  1413  E   Radio Nacional 5,  various                                Ads in Spanish with syncro echo, good for both.                     
2011-01-27   21:00  1413  MDA Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol  				"Gollos Rossii" with complete ID and sign off, good.                 
2011-01-27   21:01  1413  E   Radio Nacional 5,  various                                "Radio Nacional de España", fair just after VoR recently signed off.       
2011-02-01   01:45  1422  D   Deutschlandfunk,  Heusweiler                		Classical music, good.                                              
2011-02-10   22:33  1422  D   Deutschlandfunk,  Heusweiler                              Man in German, excellent.                                           
2011-03-07   03:07  1422  D   Deutschlandfunk,  Heusweiler                		Classical music, good.                                              
2011-03-07   05:10  1422  D   Deutschlandfunk,  Heusweiler                              Man in German, fair.                                                
2011-01-08   06:04  1431  D   Voice of Russia,  Wilsdruff                      		News in Russian then "...Golos Rossii" ID, fair.                    
2011-01-17   21:29  1431  DJI Radio Sawa,  Arta                         		"...@radiosawa.com", fair to good.                                  
2011-02-19   21:57  1440  LUX China Radio International, Marnach  			Program in French giving CRI mail address, fair.                    
2011-02-12   22:47  1476  IRN IRIB 1,  Sahandaj                                         (probably) Het from somewhere around 1476.275.                      
2011-03-03   02:53  1476  IRN IRIB 1,  Sahandaj                                         Strong het against E. Offset +264Hz.                                
2011-03-08   03:38  1494  F   France Info,  various                                     Music in French, up to fair and // to 1557.                         
2011-03-18   03:16  1494  F   France Info,  various                                     Woman with news in French, up to fair and // to 1557.               
2011-03-18   03:19  1494  F   France Bleu, Bastia          				Music in French, up to fair level & mixing w F.Info.                  
2011-01-08   06:25  1503  E   Radio Nacional 5,  various                                Progam in Spanish, up to good.                                      
2011-02-19   22:00  1503  IRN IRIB 1,  Bushehr                                          Man in Farsi, fair.                                                 
2011-03-03   01:36  1503  IRN IRIB 1,  Bushehr                                          Koranic chant with comments in Farsi, up to fair level.             
2011-03-18   03:26  1503  E   Radio Nacional 5,  various                                Talk program in Spanish w synchro echo, up to good level.           
2011-03-15   23:50  1512  ARS Holy Quran px,  Jeddah                         		Man in Arabic, up to fair level.
2011-02-27   03:19  1512  IRN IRIB 1, Ardabil                                    	Man in Farsi, fair. Tx to my friends at RealDX for langage ID.
2011-01-22   21:44  1521  ARS General Arabic Program,  Duba             		Arabic music, strong.                                               
2011-01-31   04:50  1521  E   SER Radio Castellón,  Ctra Valencia                       Men in Spanish, up to good level.                                   
2011-02-28   00:38  1521  ARS General Arabic Program,  Duba             		Man in Arabic, strong.                                              
2011-03-10   00:58  1521  ARS General Arabic Program,  Duba             		Arabic music, excellent!
2011-03-16   23:59  1521  ARS General Arabic Program,  Duba 				Man in Arabic, time pips and news with jingle, huge!   
2011-02-23   00:18  1530  CVA Radio Vatican, Santa Maria di Galeria                     Woman in Italian, fair & mixed w prob WCKY.Tx to my friends at RealDX.                        
2011-01-10   05:06  1539  D   Evangeliums Rundfunk,  Mainflingen                        Religious music in English, good.                                   
2011-03-18   03:28  1539  E   SER Radio, various                                  	Men in Spanish, mainly poor due to 1540 splatter.                   
2011-02-10   22:39  1548  KWT Radio Sawa,  Kuwait City                                  (probable) Man in pres Arabic, up to fair w lot of fading.          
2011-03-02   02:46  1548  KWT Radio Sawa,  Kuwait City                                  Radio Sawa news in Arabic, fair.                                    
2011-03-08   03:51  1548  G   BBC Radio Bristol,  Mangotsfield                          "...BBC Radio", up to fair level & lots of fading.                  
2011-03-15   23:42  1548  KWT Radio Sawa,  Kuwait City                                  "...Sawa" mention in Arabic followed by song in EE, fair to  good.       
2011-02-10   22:41  1566  BEN Trans World Radio,  Parakou                               Man in a venicular language, up to fait. Best w 88° wire.           
2011-03-18   03:30  1566  BEN Trans World Radio,  Parakou                               Traditional African music, up to fair level. Best w 88° beverage.        
2011-02-23   00:20  1575  UAE Radio Farda,  Al Dhabiya                                  "Radio Farda" ID, fair.                                             
2011-03-02   02:00  1575  UAE Radio Farda,  Al Dhabiya                                  "Radio Farda" ID, fair.                                             
2011-03-03   02:27  1584  IRN IRIB 1, Urumiyeh                                         	Soft music & comments in Farsi, poor to fair // to Mauno's Perseus svr.              
2011-03-15   23:39  1593  KWT Voice of America, Kuwait City            			(probable) Man in English with mention of the US, up to fair level.           
2011-02-26   05:12  1602  E   Euskadi Irratia,  Cerro Estibaliz           		"Eukadi Irratia" jingle, fair.

Sylvain Naud
Portneuf, Quebec

Perseus SDR
Icom ICR75 with LF mods

Jürgen Bartels' StationList software was used for loggings with the Perseus:

228 meters (750 feet) remotely switchable termination beverage pointing towards 
Africa when terminated (268-88 degrees).
289 meters (950 feet, winter seasonal) terminated beverage towards Europe (55 degrees).
425 meters (1400 feet winter seasonal) remotely switchable termination beverage 
pointing towards Eastern Europe - India when terminated (215-35 degrees).

Homebrew K9AY with vactrol
T2FD cut for 90m band
Two 30 meters (100 feet) long wire 
Homebrew remote wire antenna switcher
DX Engineering RPA-1 HF preamplifier
MFJ-1026 phaser with LF mods