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Many of the following MP3 files are labelled with station details, UTC time and date of recording. Please make sure that your player is set to show this information.  Also note that several stations listed bellow may have left the air since.

ARMENIA, TWR Europe at 1377 KHz. Despite the solar maximum, I could hear during a quiet period, the TWR relay in Jan 2024 here, peaking at armchair copy and a half hour later, signing-off - In that same period a couple of days later, here they are at armchair copy again with Ukrainian talk.

ARMENIA on 864 KHz with Radio Liberty airing a program in Turkmen language. Thanks to Dmitry Mezin at RealDX for ID - Now listen this other clip of of Radio Liberty also in Turkmen language. Thanks again to Dmitry Mezin for ID.

ARMENIA, Voice of Russia on 1395 at nominal just above the  strong Albanian offset at 1394.850. Using USB mode.

ARMENIA, Denge Kurdistan from the Gavar relay at 1395 KHz. According to DX reports, their signal went on the air from December 2017 to April 2018, so this might be considered as a rare catch. Heard on February 8, 2018 at around 21:50 UTC, just prior sign-off at 22:03.

CHINA, on 1521 KHZ with CRI-Radio Kitaya in Russian. Full ID given with CRI web address. The DX gods were with me! Just by chance, I was tuning 1521 normally invaded by Saudi Arabia but the 35° beverage really bumped BSKSA leaving CRI alone. That was pure transmitter dawn enhancement with short but good peaks - Now, thanks to some DX alerts coming from many DXers of Northeast NA, it could be heard again here with a good signal in Nov 2017 - Another good cut here at the end of Oct 2018 - And adding to the collection, here’s a cut from Jan 2020 with Russian talk. - There, with full CRI ToH announcement on Jan 2021.

CHINA, on 1098 KHz with CNR from the high powered transmitter in Golmud. It was first observed here in Dec 2010. Since then, it became one of the “regular” Asian. First, here it is at a quite decent level on Christmas 2018 - Now again here in Jan 2020. - There it is again a year later in Jan 2021 with good signal and apparent ID towards the end. - Here with ToH pips and station announcement from Dec 2020.


CHINA, (bellow) on 1143 KHz with multiple offset carriers. The capture bellow is from November 9th 2010 at around 11:30 UTC. Signals were too weak for some readable audio. The Perseus was hooked to the 35° Beverage.

INDIA, All India Radio on 1071 KHz with their 800 Kw transmitter located in Rajkot in the country’s Northwest. Heard for the first time here in January 2013. Here’s a shot from October 2013. Thanks to Alokesh Gupta at RealDX for the confirmation - There’s another cut, this time from November 6, 2017 at 00:54 UTC. It was confirmed to be Urtu language by Sudipta Ghose - The following are two clips from Dec 2019, both recorded at a few minutes interval. First with a woman talking in Urdu then, Folk music (with muffled sound).

JAPAN, 747 KHz  JOIB NHK2 Sapporo. I was lucky to get something at my first attempt. Fortunately, I've got a parallel with Akita 774 KHz where I could barely distinguish the same musical segment. Signal was caught around 10:30 UTC on October 27th of 2008 with the 35° terminated Beverage. Thanks to Bruce Portzer and Brent Taylor on the MWDX YG for IDing woman's Japanese language at the end of the clip. Also, please have a look at the waterfall display from the Perseus while the music was playing. Compare the 747 carrier with others nearby, including that horrible IBOC sideband at the right of the screen.

JAPAN, (probable) 693 KHz  JOAB NHK2, Tokyo with a weak male voice in Japanese. Thanks to Tatu Shinzo for having a listen to my clip. He wrote me that it sounds like Japanese pronunciation but is unable to catch a word.

RUSSIA, Radio Rossii on 225 Khz, a West-Siberian outlet from Surgut mixing here with Poland. That was the same night of my first ever listen of Norway 153 in 01/2013. No Luxembourg effect here but just enough of a dawn enhancement from the transmitter side, this added to tremendous LF propagation.

TURKEY, longwave 180 KHz TRT 1 during Ramadan. I've noticed carriers before and weak audio but nothing like this during an interesting musical sequence - Later, location ID by female announcer "...Ankara..Dan (from Ankara) thanks to Udo Deutscher for pointing out.

TURKEY, TRT 1-Radyo Bir, Antalya on 891 KHz (11-15-2016 4:32 UTC). With the Perseus’ notch taking care of a 1 KHz test tone coming from Algeria, the woman’s talk in Turkish could be heard more clearly. Thanks Vlad Titarev for language ID and also thanks to the PEI 2016 DXpedition and Allan Willie in NFLD for the tips - There from Nov 2020, again with Turkish talk.

TURKEY, TRT1 - Radyo Bir on 954 KHz, here peaking with nice music on Nov 2018 - There with Turkish talk on Jan 2019 - Here at sign-in into the news (Jan 2020). - Now at massive signal with Turkish talk and program ID (Jan 2021).

TURKEY, 1062 KHz - TRT Radyo 1, here with Turkish talk (03/2020).

Page updated in August 2024